And here is our first request of said wonderful woman.
We are at the bottom of the exclamation point!! It was a wonderful time! The weather was astoundingly calm and sunny, especially for a beach in Ess Eff. Parkas and hot drinks went untouched. People were passing out pastries and playing guitars.
When we all lay down to spell out the letters it got quiet and restful and I was tempted just to close my eyes and dream. My feet were wrapped around my partner's ears to make a perfectly straight side of the exclamation point; my head on a pile of sweaters in the sand.
A news crew was asking the pointless question, Do you think the country has the stomach for an impeachment? It isn't about whether we have the stomach. In a moral and ethical country, if someone appears to have broken the law, you hold them accountable. It doesn't matter if that's going to be hard. It's what you have to do.