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I can even complete a whole sentence without being interrupted by a man.

hypatia.jpgFound a great essay by this essay by Ben Barres, a male-to-female (MTF) transgendered scientist who has experienced profound changes in treatment after becoming male.

His stories include being denied credit for solving a math problem as a women when an MIT professor accused her of having her boyfriend solve it, and a colleague who rated Barres' research much more highly once Barres had transitioned to male gender.

The piece that really speaks to me (from a sidebar):

By far, the main difference that I have noticed is that people who don't know I am transgendered treat me with much more respect: I can even complete a whole sentence without being interrupted by a man.

There's also a great bibliography, including a book called Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women which looks very interesting.

photo is from http://pages.prodigy.net/fljustice/faith_pics/hypatia.jpg. It is of Hypatia of Alexandria, an early woman scientist.

And thanks to feministing.com for the heads-up!


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