Please see this movie.
Al Gore's "An Inconvenient truth" is very moving and motivating.
We CAN stop climate change. I have to believe that because the alternative is despair.
See you there...Let me know what you are doing to reduce your emissions!
I saw it yesterday. Let me say first I LOVE AL GORE! I hope he runs again in 2008. What I love about his film is the positive and inspiring way that it ends leaving us thinking we CAN do something about it and that our small actions can have a real impact. That is the beauty of it and hopefully it will wake up some people. It is also a departure from a lot of liberal causes, as a colleague of mine remarked, the depressing side of it that they focus on that leaves you with the feeling that you can't do anything so you might as well give up now! And that is what is so inspiring about your example in my life. You are constantly looking for new ways to impact the earth, you don't slip into despair, all those things add up and without preaching perhaps you can swing others your way (like me!) So now I'm contemplating what I can do. I'm planning to write to all my elected officials and ask them what they plan to do about it - perhaps some new legislation! I just wish I could figure a way to shorten my commute and lessen the impace I am having on CO2 emissions.
Posted by: Becka Criss | June 15, 2006 08:56 AM