so...feeling heteronormative today? Silly you!
So what will I blog about? Hmmmm...heteronormativity...well, how about kids?
if 10% of kids are queer/questioning/will be queer someday, let's help them feel safe and normal, and help other kids learn that this is normal. Parents, uncles, aunts, babysitters, make at least 10% of books on your kid's shelves about queer kids or queer families. And especially, let's have a few out there like M or F? which (although I haven't read it yet, as I just found it on amazon) purports to actually be a happy story about queer youth, which is a narrative we desperately need.
What? You say there aren't enough books about queer families/kids? Moon blogger (and Amazon) to the rescue!
Here are some options that I found. I have not read them all so I cannot vouch for the quality, but I'm assuming that most of them should be pretty great:
For little kids:
Heather Has Two Mommies
Daddy's Roommate
ABC A Family Alphabet Book
The Family Book
It's Okay To Be Different
Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story
One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads
Who's in a Family?
For older kids:
Geography Club
GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens
Totally Joe
How It Feels to Have a Gay or Lesbian Parent: A Book by Kids for Kids of All Ages
The Heart Has Its Reasons : Young Adult Literature with Gay/Lesbian/Queer Content, 1969-2004
M or F?
Lullabies to Sing at Night:
Everything's Possible by Fred Small, on his album No Limit
Happy shopping! Go wild!
Two other quick notes:
- All these books should also be available on more small-family busness friendly bookstore websites like Powell's, so don't feel obligated to use my Amazon links. I'm just being lazy, and I will stop soon. :)
- This list does not have enough teen fic with strong female queer characters, but I'm assuming these would be easy enough to find at a good feminist bookstore or website.
... I'm going to bed now!
cool list, thanks! i'm always buying books for the nieces and nephews and there are so many kids books out there, it's hard to choose among them. and of course, i'm predisposed to like ones like these!
oh yeah, and yay for!
Posted by: turtlebella | April 22, 2006 12:31 PM